Bookmarks and Bookmark wallets.

Choose a Bookmark from our extensive range at our showrooms.

Supply the details of your loved one along with a good quality photograph.

Choose your verse from our booklet or if you wish to supply your own verse we will be happy to print this on your bookmark. The space on a bookmark is limited so it is advisable to choose a short verse.

Matching Bookmark Wallets may be purchased to accompany your choice of bookmark. Wallets are die-cut to allow your bookmark be inserted within.

In an effort to help eliminate errors, we would ask that any verse supplied is typed or written in block letters.


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Our Showrooms.

Our showrooms are open from Monday to Thursday.

10.00 am to 5.00 pm


9.00 am to 5.00 pm


10.00 am to 3.00 pm

Viewings, outside office hours are available by appointment.